Sure Fire Way to Get Your Kids to Do Dreaded Chores

Have anything you want to get done, but your kids dread it?

How about you?  Got some things you know are "good for you", but yet you avoid them like the plague?

The next time you want to get something done and you struggle with motivating yourself or others, try this!

To see the video on YouTube - click HERE

Didn't that look so fun?  And look at the results 66% more people participated because it was fun!

Let's bring the fun theory into the home.


Folding socks.

In our home, we have a sock basket.  All socks from the laundry go to the "sock basket" to be sorted, matched, and put away.  Unfortunately, by the time we fold the rest of the laundry, nobody wants to sit and match socks.

To liven things up, I sometimes will declare "Sock War"

Here's how you play.

All of the socks from the "sock basket"" are dumped into a pile in the middle of the floor.

On the count of 3, everyone dives in to find the matches.  As you match your socks, roll them!  The rolled socks become your "ammunition" in the fight.  

You want to see socks get done in a hurry?  Stop calling them socks and call them "ammunition", and change the work from folding laundry to "preparing for battle".  Watch the attitude in the room shift right before your eyes.  This even works with having mostly girls.  A lot of times they are the most competitive ones in the room.

Once all the socks are matched (they have to match or they are disqualified), then each person dives behind couches, chairs. coffee tables, whatever space they can claim, and the socks start flying.  Oh man, you wanna talk about FUN!  

Sisters are pelting their brother in the head.  Brother is screaming and blasting sisters right back.  All the children gang up on momma.  Momma enlists the younger kids to go grab ammunition from siblings.  hahahaha  

We have a great time!

Did the laundry get done? Yes  

Including the socks? Yes

Did we have fun? Absolutely!!!!

Your turn to swtich your dreaded work into treasured memories.

I encourage you, use this in your home.  Watch as some of the most avoided tasks get done quicker than you ever thought possible.

Got any tasks that are not fun, but still need to get done?

What things can you make fun for your children?  

What work can you turn into play?  I can't wait to hear your answers


photo credit: reb via photopin cc

The 5 Love Languages

Do you know your love language?

How about that of your spouse or each of your children?

It's funny how within one family there can be so many differences.  

Who knew that there was more than 1 way to love?!

In our marriage I love to spend time with Ron.  I want to hear all the details of his day.  I want to be with him while he does odd jobs around the house.  However, those things don't cross his mind.  He would much rather DO something for me, not necessarily WITH me. 

Early in our marriage, this used to drive me nuts.  

Ron would come home with a gift.  Flowers.  Chocolate.  A card.  I would get all excited and feel so special.  To me that was just the beginning.  That meant we were going to watch a movie together or go for a walk or something.  For him,  'meh, he was done.  It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with me, he loves me.  Okay, so he adores me. (And the feelin' is mutual, dah-ling)  But in his mind, the expression of love had been done.

Boy was I excited to learn about the 5 love languages.

We haven't visited this book in ages, and with 7 children in the house, I'm sure we should re-visit this real soon.  However, I wanted to share this resource with you, just in case you hadn't heard of it.  Or maybe you're like us and it's been a long time!  

Determine Your Love Language Online

The love languages test is online.  Use it yourself, for your spouse, or for your children.

Go to


5 love languages








Armed with this type of insight into your spouse and your children, you can save lots of heartache and misunderstandings.  Many times we simply don't mean to hurt one another, we just see things differently.  Any tools that can help you to "get them", whether that's your spouse or your children, can be a real sanity saver.

So run, don't walk on over to Dr. Gary Chapman's site and give his resource a try.

I think you will find, like I have, that knowing how to speak someone's love language opens up the relationship to grow and flourish like nothing else.  I hope that you find that to be true in your home like I have found it in mine.

I would love to hear from you.

What is your love language?

Watch This Series with Your Family

Have you ever romanticized living in Laura Ingalls Wilder times?

Here's a reality show the whole family can enjoy!

When I was little I used to watch the TV series, "Little House on the Prarie".  I would imagine dressing up in those long dresses, carrying parasols, the whole nine yards.

As a homeschool mom, I have even read the Little House books to my children.  But never have I thought of some of the challenges of their time like they show in this PBS series - "Frontier House" from 2001. They have been uploaded to YouTube, but I have gathered them all in one place for you.

Gather your family.  

Travel back to 1800's with modern families.  They must leave all of the modern conveniences behind, and live just a family would have in the 1800's.  Watch as they learn new skills, face incredible challenges, and come to grip with the reality of hardship.

After each episode,  have a time of discussion.  Ask your children questions.  

Would they want to do this kind of experiment?  Why or why not?

What did they think of some of the families choices and behavior?

There are tons of character traits, both positive and negative, to point out to your kids.- I camped out on that one!  Oiy!

After you watch one, shoot me an email-  Let me know what your thoughts?


Here's Episode 1:


Here's Episode 2:

Here's Episode 3:

Here's Episode 4:

Here's Episode 5:

Finale- Episode 6:


Imagine, even with all of that hardship, many people not only survived, they thrived!  

What stood out to you from this series?

My radio interview on KLGO Austin

Click the image below to hear my radio interview with Mariah Wilde on KLGO- Austin

and visit to learn more.

A Time to Reflect on 2012 (Part 1)

Ecc. 3:1  "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”

You have to be on purpose if you want to slow the hustle and bustle.

I can think of no better way to cultivate a heart of gratitude than to purposefully look for the hand of God in your life.

Make this family project a tradition for your family.

Grab your calendar and reflect with your family over the past year.

Other places to look-  pictures, blog posts, journals, magazines, checkbook/bills- any place that might chronicle the past few months.

Begin the process by going through each month, starting in January

Go through each day, each week, each month.  On my calendar, I tend to make “trigger notes”*, little notations throughout the year that help to trigger our memory of what happened that day.

  • Look for any “firsts” in your family
  • Did someone learn to walk, talk, drive, cook, swim, etc.?
  • What were some personal achievements?  Run a 5K, hunt, lose weight, overcome a fear
  • Name some new friends that you met for the first time this year.
  • What places did you travel this year?
  • Did you read any outstanding books, articles, blog posts, etc. this year?  Which ones?
  • Births?  Deaths?
  • Special wins?  Painful losses?
  • Name some new skills that you learned this year.
  • National tragedies or achievements (ex. – storms/weather incidents or Olympic firsts/wins)

Each day this week, gather your family around the dinner table.
Go through only 1-2 months each evening. Keep it fun!  The whole year in one night, might kill the joy of this project.

Choose one person to be the family scribe.
Their job is to write down all the cool things that your family wants to remember.

*Tip- I use my family calendar.  See an example of my calendar.   The "trigger notes" are on the month-at-a-glance section.   I then record the detailed memories from our family in the daily section of the calendar.

I hope that you will join us.  This is an incredible way to record God’s faithfulness to your family and create a family treasure at the same time.

You will never regret the time you take for this project.  That’s a promise!

Next week we will talk about Part 2: A Heart of Thanks For 2012.

memory lane photo credit: alexbfree via photopin cc

A Heart of Thanks for 2012 (Part 2)

If you are joining in for the first time this week, be sure to read Part 1, where we reflected on the past 12 months.  We took the time to write down and remember the many joys of the past 300+ days with our families.

The next step- say Thank You

Here, in America, we have an annual time of thanks as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving, every year our family gathers in a circle for each person to share 1 or 2 things that they are thankful for.  Our answers are similar to one another- “I’m thankful for my family, my health, my home, etc”

This time I want you to really think hard about the people who have affected your life.   The people that stepped into your world and you have never been the same.  The person that introduced you to your spouse, the teacher who believed in you, the pastor that faithfully taught you to study the Word.  The neighbor that looked out for you and made sure you were okay.

Look back through the events of this year.

What people stand out in your mind?

Who are the key people that made your accomplishments  and celebrations of 2012 possible?

Who are the people in your life that it would be easy to take for granted?

1. Create a list.

Name every person that comes to mind that you are thankful for.

Jot down their names and the reason you are thankful for them.

2. Pray a heartfelt prayer of thanks for each person on your list.

Be specific in naming the reason you are thankful for them this year.

3. Put action to your feelings.  Express your gratitude to them in some tangible way.

Send a letter, call them on the phone.   Express to them your thanks and why.

I would guess that most people have no idea the impact they have had on you.

Hearing that you are thankful for them and why, would rock their world.

But here’s the incredible part. 

Your commitment to giving thanks not only will rock their world, it will rock yours too.

Include your children.

Have them make lists too.  Pray with them.  Help them express their gratitude.

There are many things we can do this time of year, but one of the most impacting, life-changing moments you can experience is the moment you stop to show appreciation to someone who cared for your enough to share their life with you.

“But I don’t have time!”

This will take time.  True!

However, your time is the most precious gift you can give this Christmas season.


Who will be the first person on your list?


thank you photo credit: the Italian voice via photopin cc