Sure Fire Way to Get Your Kids to Do Dreaded Chores

Have anything you want to get done, but your kids dread it?

How about you?  Got some things you know are "good for you", but yet you avoid them like the plague?

The next time you want to get something done and you struggle with motivating yourself or others, try this!

To see the video on YouTube - click HERE

Didn't that look so fun?  And look at the results 66% more people participated because it was fun!

Let's bring the fun theory into the home.


Folding socks.

In our home, we have a sock basket.  All socks from the laundry go to the "sock basket" to be sorted, matched, and put away.  Unfortunately, by the time we fold the rest of the laundry, nobody wants to sit and match socks.

To liven things up, I sometimes will declare "Sock War"

Here's how you play.

All of the socks from the "sock basket"" are dumped into a pile in the middle of the floor.

On the count of 3, everyone dives in to find the matches.  As you match your socks, roll them!  The rolled socks become your "ammunition" in the fight.  

You want to see socks get done in a hurry?  Stop calling them socks and call them "ammunition", and change the work from folding laundry to "preparing for battle".  Watch the attitude in the room shift right before your eyes.  This even works with having mostly girls.  A lot of times they are the most competitive ones in the room.

Once all the socks are matched (they have to match or they are disqualified), then each person dives behind couches, chairs. coffee tables, whatever space they can claim, and the socks start flying.  Oh man, you wanna talk about FUN!  

Sisters are pelting their brother in the head.  Brother is screaming and blasting sisters right back.  All the children gang up on momma.  Momma enlists the younger kids to go grab ammunition from siblings.  hahahaha  

We have a great time!

Did the laundry get done? Yes  

Including the socks? Yes

Did we have fun? Absolutely!!!!

Your turn to swtich your dreaded work into treasured memories.

I encourage you, use this in your home.  Watch as some of the most avoided tasks get done quicker than you ever thought possible.

Got any tasks that are not fun, but still need to get done?

What things can you make fun for your children?  

What work can you turn into play?  I can't wait to hear your answers


photo credit: reb via photopin cc


  1. What a great post!! I thought that video was cool too. 🙂 I think I’d enjoy going up a flight of stairs that makes music as I do it too!! You would probably see me and the kids seeing how many different tunes we could make if we were there for about 20 minutes at least. Of course, knowing Zeva she’d want to do it a thousand and one times. 🙂

    Love the sock idea because I HATE matching SOCKS! Socks are never done right by me. My family gives up and usually ends up buying more socks.

    • Susan Seay says:

      Playing around in the stairs sounds like fun!

      And the socks!?!, lets just say its time for us to have another battle. Hee-hee

  2. Love the Video. Showed it to my darling daughter, the composer. This is too much fun! I’d definitely be late for my appointment with those musical stairs!

    Also the sock idea is fantastic. I’ve got to get some socks to wash. My 7 year old Joy will love this! She doesn’t like putting away laundry. Oh man wait til my hubby gets home, there’s going to be a sock war. Ready aim, Get Daddy!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lois Ridley says:

    I LOVES that video…we saw that when homeschooling one day! Fun stuff…

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