Watch This Series with Your Family

Have you ever romanticized living in Laura Ingalls Wilder times?

Here's a reality show the whole family can enjoy!

When I was little I used to watch the TV series, "Little House on the Prarie".  I would imagine dressing up in those long dresses, carrying parasols, the whole nine yards.

As a homeschool mom, I have even read the Little House books to my children.  But never have I thought of some of the challenges of their time like they show in this PBS series - "Frontier House" from 2001. They have been uploaded to YouTube, but I have gathered them all in one place for you.

Gather your family.  

Travel back to 1800's with modern families.  They must leave all of the modern conveniences behind, and live just a family would have in the 1800's.  Watch as they learn new skills, face incredible challenges, and come to grip with the reality of hardship.

After each episode,  have a time of discussion.  Ask your children questions.  

Would they want to do this kind of experiment?  Why or why not?

What did they think of some of the families choices and behavior?

There are tons of character traits, both positive and negative, to point out to your kids.- I camped out on that one!  Oiy!

After you watch one, shoot me an email-  Let me know what your thoughts?


Here's Episode 1:


Here's Episode 2:

Here's Episode 3:

Here's Episode 4:

Here's Episode 5:

Finale- Episode 6:


Imagine, even with all of that hardship, many people not only survived, they thrived!  

What stood out to you from this series?

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