The #1 Enemy to Launching Your Online Course

When you are considering doing an online course, there are plenty of things to stop you.

There are a ton of decisions to make when creating and delivering a course.  But even those who’ve been through my training course, which gives them tons of practical information on how to launch a stellar online course, some still haven’t set the date for the very first one.


There’s a sneaky enemy among you, that’s throwing you off your ‘A’ game.  And if you continue to listen to this tricky,yet relentless voice, you might not ever launch.

The voice sounds like this:

I’m not sure I know enough yet.

I need to do more research.

Maybe spring is better than the fall for a class.

Maybe summer is better than the spring.

Maybe fall really is best and now it’s too late.  I’ll just wait until next fall.

I need to practice more with the technology.

Sound familiar?

Each time you take the time to answer one of these comments, you delay.


We need to Beat This Enemy For Good

But, before we go into battle we must first identify the enemy by name. That voice is the voice of perfection.Perfection makes you feel that what you are doing is never enough.Perfection will always cause you to doubt who you are, what you know, and what you are doing.

When it comes to your online class, I want you to win this battle.

Here’s a simple, but powerful game plan.

I want you to do 2 things:

  1. Pick a date AND
  2. Stick to it

Short of a major catastrophe - you’re In a car wreck and injured or a major unforeseen opportunity like you are invited to be on national TV and can get incredible exposure, do NOT change this date.


That enemy, perfection, will test you.  He will push you to the edge of what you believe to be possible.  But in the end, you can do more than you think with less than you can ever imagine.

Don’t quit.

Don’t count yourself out.

You can do this.

The world needs you to step up and deliver.


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