Do you feel like quitting?

I had just met Jennie , and one of the first things she said to me was- “ I want to quit!”

She was serious.

This was not some false humility moment here, she meant every word.

The irony was, here we were about to start a 2 day film shoot.  She was about to teach a Bible study, like a boat-load of sessions, to a room full of women, and the first thing she said was....” I want to quit”.

I knew at that moment, I liked her.

Can you relate?

Let’s look at the outside.  Here she was a published author, filming on this gorgeous film set, being attended to by a personal make-up artist and hairstylist, and she would rather not, thank- you very much.

Not because she didn’t care about the women in the room.

Not because she didn’t appreciate the opportunity before her.

Not because she was lazy, or any other thing other than the cold hard truth……... obeying God requires a lot from us. No, not a lot- our EVERYTHING!

We can sometimes glaze over the sacrifice part of our relationship with God.  We gloss over the loss and pain of “giving up” those things we want to desperately hold on to.

For so long we have fought to claim “our lives”, “ our place in this world”.  Then God steps in and rocks our world.

His ways are not our ways.  He thinks long-term, short-term, and all in-between.  And we can barely see past the end of our nose.

So, yes- sometimes following His lead makes us want to quit.  We don’t always get it.  We don’t always understand.  We think we know a better way.  And all of that makes us want to just..... quit!

But, we know deep down, that’s not really what we want.

From time to time, we’re just plain tired and overwhelmed with the pursuit. But here’s the good news, God get’s that.

He promised to never ask or require more of us than we can handle.

Duet. 31:6 It’s a promise.

So, if you’re feeling the urge to quit.

I feel you.

I get it!

You’re not the only one.

And most importantly, God understands that feeling - deeply and intimately.

Jennie ,made an incredible turn around that day.  Once she opened up and shared her feelings, we prayed together as a group, and we committed to  follow hard after God - together.

So if you feel like quitting.

1. Admit it.  Say it out loud. It’s okay.

2. Pray to God for strength to be faithful to all that He is asking of you

3. Find some friends who are committed to doing the same, and do life together.


What about you?- Ever felt like quitting?


How to Get Rid of That Sinking Feeling That You’re Forgetting Something

Ever had that feeling that you are forgetting something really important, but for the life of you, you can’t figure out what it is?

Ever had so much on your mind that you lie awake or you toss and turn, unable to get to sleep?

How about, have you needed to give someone an important message or answer and keep forgetting to tell them when you see them? Ugh, so frustrating right?!



I used to stare at the family calendar while saying out loud, “I know that there is something important coming up, but I can’t remember what it is.”  As I stare at the blank calendar and look around to see the blank looks on my children’s faces, I know neither the calendar or my children can help me.  I causally ask friends if they know of anything happening in the next few days, hoping that maybe they could provide a hint, but – nope!

It is such a helpless feeling isn’t it?  You can remember unimportant tidbits of info like the address and phone number of your old house, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to remember, whatever it is that you just know is important. 

There came a time when I had enough of feeling like I was losing my mind.  I would head count the children and if I reached the right number, I resolved everything must be okay. 

In order to stop that sinking feeling that something or someone might be forgotten, I have found a solution that has calmed my mind.  It has actually helped me to sleep better and be more with-it!  If you could use better sleep too, allow me to share.

3 steps  to keep your sanity

  1. Grab a blank journal

  2. Dedicate the journal for the sole purpose of saving your sanity.  This is not the place for doodling when the children are bored in a waiting room.  This is F.M.O.-For Mama Only

  3. Write everything down..  If it is on your mind, write it.  Don’t try to organize it, color code it, or use special symbols.  No way!  Just write it all down, one item per line. 

Every night I sit on the side of the bed and do a brain dump.  Anything that just might weasel it’s way into my thoughts at 1am and disturb my sleep, gets written down.  Throughout the day if a friend shares a great book title, I hear about a show coming to town, my child mentions a gift suggestion for their birthday.  All of these things are written down in my journal.

Get in the habit of writing things down.  It is impossible to try to remember all the niggly little tidbits of information that come up every single day.  In fact, it is a recipe for disaster everytime we say, "I need to remember".  " I need to remember to call and make a dentist appointment."  "I need to remember to pick up batteries at the store"  Or even worse, "Kids, remind me to make that phone call when we get home."  Your children might do a good job of reminding you, but do you really want to rely on them to remember? 

My journal is becoming quite ragged with use, but I can’t begin to tell you the peace and calm I experience by using this simple tool.  Gone are the days that I have to waste time wondering what I forgot.  If I think there might be something, I read through my journal until I am satisfied that all is well.


Your turn, what do you do to save your sanity?