Are you doing the crazy dance too?

Sometimes I feel like I’m dancing but the DJ keeps changing the music alternating between fast and slow jams.  


Just when I want to start waving my hands in the air and  giving it my all, the DJ switches it up and the music is mellow and s-l-o-w (insert Barry White voice)  “S-l-o-w j-a-m-s”.  Then as soon as I start swaying back and forth to the slow jams, the lights start flashing and the beat starts pumping all over again.

If you can picture that scenario, then welcome to my world since launching A Powerful Moment.  For the past 16 years I have been dancing the slow sway of motherhood.  The sense of calm that comes with routine and familiarity is quite different now. On the other hand there  is the fast pace steady beat of the internet world.  Everything is new for me.  I am the tech challenged mom who constantly asks her kids for help with using my Iphone.  

So God must have the biggest sense of humor when He called me forward to start this incredible journey.  

laughing horse











I tell my friends and family all the time, if you would have told me 6 or 7 months..... ,pssshhhh 6 or 7 weeks ago, all of the different things I am doing today, I would’ve sworn you had lost your mind.

You see, I was comfortable.  I liked my normal days, a lot of times they were crazy but hey, that was “normal” for me.  I liked just hanging out with my babies.  I was content to do that until....well, until all of my babies started having babies.  That’s what I planned.  So let me share a  warning sign for you my friend.  If you are comfortable in your life right now- watch out!  That’s the perfect set-up for God to come in and wreck the safety of your world and reveal His mighty hand.

I say wreck with all sincerity and loving affection.

When we are living a peaceful, quiet existence, it feels like a wrecking ball crashing into our world when the charge comes forth to go somewhere you’ve never been and  you’re asked to do things you didn’t even know were possible.

Wrecking Ball







That’s what lauching A Powerful Moment has been for me.

In these short 7-8 months I have been part of a marketing strategy session with 6 executives from a major publishing company.  I was invited for an hour long interview on the radio- which was fantastic by the way.  I have had speakers contacting me from across the nation and Canada to help them develop online classes, and.... you get the picture.  While at the same time, life around here goes on.  There’s still homeschooling and family life.

Can you feel the challenge of finding the beat to the music- fast? slow? I don’t know!

I bet you can relate in your own life.

If your days are spent focusing on the needs of your children, when your hubby gets home you may still find yourself talking about feedings, and cleaning, and house rules.  You may have that awkward moment when you realize that you’re treating your husband like he’s one of the kids.  But on the other side, sometimes you may catch yourself talking to your little ones and using language that is WAY over their heads and wondering why they don’t get it!  Welcome to the crazy dance.  Embrace it!

It’s all a part of God’s bigger plan.

So if sometimes when I write to you it feels techy or out-of-sync, it’s probably because my brain is on overload trying to learn all the techy stuff needed to serve you best.  Give me some grace, the crazy dance music just changed again.  Hold on it will pass.  It’s just my quick stumble as I try to readjust to the slow jams, while I was still doing my cabbage patch moves.  hee-hee

The entire mission of A Powerful Moment is to create training opportunities for moms.  To provide the practical help that moms need to better their best ,so that their families thrive, not just survive day-to-day.  I invite you to come along, join in, tell your friends.

God is on the move, let’s commit together to dance to the beat of His drum.

Are you with me?
dancing squirrel photo credit: jhoc via photopin cc
horse photo credit: cindy47452 via photopin cc
wrecking ball photo credit: Brandon Doran via photopin cc


  1. Oh, Susan I have enjoyed this comedic post today! Your examples brought a smile to my face and a much needed word to my heart. Thank your for sharing today!

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