BFE’s are NOT your BFF’s

Do you ever find yourself saying things like

"My house is a mess because I have children"

"I can't possibly eat healthier food, I'm always on the go"

"I can't dress cute, I have small children"

Any of these sound familair?  C'mon, it's okay to admit it here.  

I'll definitely raise my hand and say I've said these and SO much more.  I mean afterall, at the time these statements are sincere and they seem SO legit.  But the truth is they don't help us at all.

I will go one step further.  They not only don't help us, they hurt us.  

They help us legitimize our lack of action, or commitment, or discipline.  They are simply BFE's.

Big Fat Excuses

These big fat excuses show up anytime we decide that we want to do something better.  

If we decide that we want to get up earlier.  Within a few days something will happen to throw you off course.   And before you know it, the BFE's will show up.  You'll find yourself saying things like - I tried getting up earlier, it just doesn't work for me."

There was a reason you were trying to get up earlier.  Maybe you wanted to have a quiet time of study before the day started.  Or maybe you wanted to rise and dress before you put on your "mommy hat" for the day.  Or maybe you wanted to get a jump on some project and thought the early morning quiet might be just the time.  

Whatever your reason, don't let your BFE's get in the way

BFE's only show up at 2 times-

Day and night!  No. Seriously.

1. When you're physically tired.

Whether that's from a long hard day, or a short-term illness.  The physical drain is what's key.

2. Or when you're emotionally drained. 

When you've got a lot on your plate.  When you have a ton of decisions to make.  When you feel like you are being pulled in a bunch of different directions all at once and all you want to do is take a nap.- that's the moment I'm talkin' about.

The key to eliminating BFE's and their horrible effects on your life, is to never 'evah  'evah evaluate your success or failure at meeting your goal when you are physically or emotionally drained.  Either of those two times will cause you start making excuses faster than my teenage son can send a text.  And trust me, that's fast!  

The problem is that once you make a BFE, it takes a HUGE amount of effort to overcome it's effects on your motivation.

So if you want to start winning your battles.  If you are ready to be more disciplined.  If you desire to raise your level of commitment, then be on the lookout for BFE's.  And remember, they are NOT your BFF's.

What's one of your most common BFE's?  

What's seems to stop you from upping your level of commitment?

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