Did you hear about the BIG announcement?

The event was a roaring success!

We almost maxed out the room!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone !!


While here in Austin Shari and I launched a brand new online experience!  Watch this video!

Isn't that exciting! 

So for all of my subscribers who were unable to attend, we missed you.  However, you did not totally miss out!  You can still be a part of the online course.

According to Zondervan, Shari is considered to be America's premiere expert on fashion and personal image consulting.

For 5 weeks Shari will go into great detail teaching you step-by-step how to look your best.

Learn about what colors look best on you?

How to :

Save time and money when shopping.

Plan your wardrobe.

If you have a limited budget, how do you pull together a great looking wardrobe?

And sooooo much more!

My role is to be your resident homegirl! 

I will be there each week to greet you, make sure you have all of your handouts for class, while I also share on issues of inner beauty and faith.


I hope that you will join us!

Invest in yourself without having to leave the comfort of your own home.  Doesn't get any better or easier than that, right?!

Go to http://www.fashionmeetsfaithonline.com to read more.

In the video I said "email me for the savings code", scratch that.

Here it is: Special savings code for Austin is: FMFA

Using that code you will save you an additional $50 !!!!

You can use this code until  Tuesday, September the 25th, then the special pricing goes away.  My friends here in Austin are the only ones who know about the course for now.  Shari will be announcing it to her email list in a few days and seats are going to go fast!  She has over 13,000 women on her list.  So if you know it's time to invest in yourself and kick it up a notch, don't delay!

Go to Fashionmeetsfaithonline.com and sign up right away!

If you have any questions or need any help, just let me know.


What to Do When Your Account Gets Hacked

While I was relaxing and enjoying the sandy beaches of South Padre,  someone in Turkey was attempting to hack into my Facebook account .  I eventually got it all ironed out.  Then my Twitter account was hacked.  Then I had trouble accessing my email account.  UGH!

I went into a major systems shut down!

I did 3 things immediately:

  1. I changed every password.
  2. I made sure each account had a unique password- it wasn’t that way before
  3. I sent an acknowledgement to my email list and  Facebook friends to say that I was aware of what happened and sorry for the excessive emails/posts.

I still do not have any of my accounts linked to each other.  ( Guess I am a little paranoid)

It seems that sooner or later we will all experience an account hack unless we take proactive measures now to prevent it.

Recently lifehacker wrote an article detailing what to do to secure yourself online.


This article has a ton of explanations - I really appreciate explanations since I am uber basic when it comes to tech talk.  Don’t just tell me to “beef up my password”, explain it to me, better yet show me what that means.

You can read the entire article or you can do like me.  Skim the article, find 1 or 2 things you can do, ie make sure all passwords are unique, then forward the article to your hubby and ask him what he thinks.

I hope this helps you to be better armed and prevents any silly hackers from accessing your accounts in the future.

Your turn – Has your account been hacked before?

A Word of Encouragement – Printable

This is a blessing for every mom who could use a word of encouragement today!

Share this blessing with a mom today!

[Read more...]

Shopping can be fun and fast- here’s how!

I love to shop in thrift stores, consignment shops, and resale shops.

There’s just something about getting a bargain that draws me back again and again. Buying smart also helps me to stretch my family budget.

But what about the time commitment?

Thrift stores tend to be big, huge outlets stuffed full of all kinds of clothes.  Who has time to go through tons of junk looking for a bargain?  You would probably prefer to spend full price and save time. Right?

Hold on.

I want to share with you my formula for shopping in thrift stores quickly. 

I can go into a thrift store, go from aisle-to-aisle, and be out of there in no time.  My hubby doesn’t even mind shopping with me now.  Trust me- that is saying a lot!

In the past I used to feel like I had to look at e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, because I didn’t want to miss something good.  But then I would have to make a decision about each and every piece of clothing I picked up.  That was a long process and tiring.

Now I shop quickly.  In. Out. Done.

Do you want to know how?

I look for 3 things:

  1. Color
  2. Style
  3. Condition

Once I developed this 3 step formula, my days of long shopping trips were over.  You can have the same success.


Learn what colors look good on you.   It doesn’t matter how cute it is or how cheap it is, if it’s not the right color- move on!


There are many different styles of clothing.   I prefer a classic, traditional look.  Defining “my style” also helps others to shop for me.  They now can easily say- that looks like something you would wear.


The item may be the right color and the right style, but if it is in need of even the slightest repair- I pass.  I know myself well enough to know that I will not complete the repairs so in the end it would be a waste of money, not a savings.  Maybe you have some mad sewing skills and that is not an issue, but not me.  Be honest with yourself while shopping though.  You may have the skills, but do you have the time?

Hopefully you too can use the 3 step formula to thrift store shopping. 

You can save money and find really cool unique clothes.


If you don’t know a thing about color and style- Shari is coming to help you out with that!

Check out - http://apowerfulmoment.com/coming-september-13th/

This May Be The Real Reason You Feel Grumpy and Tired

As manager of our homes, we have many tasks to complete on any given day.  However, work grinds to a halt if our attitude is off.  When we are irritated or feeling frustrated it is next to impossible to complete even the simplest of tasks.  If that describes you, I want to share a few things that may be responsible for the way you are feeling.

 Are you doing for others what they can do for themselves?

For some reason, maybe it's habit, we continue to do things for our children that they can absolutely do for themselves.  We spend our precious energy running around doing what could easily be done by themselves.  Be on guard for areas where you continue to work, because your children will let you.

Are you making your children too dependent on you?

If your children must come to you before they can complete their responsibilities, then you have made them too dependent on you.  Put systems in place so that your family has the ability to execute without the added step of coming to you and waiting for you to assist them.  If you find yourself unable to complete your responsibilities because you are busy assisting members of the family, it is time to analyze where you can liberate them.

Are you hurting rather than a helping the situation?

Sometimes as a mom, and manager of the home, your attempts to help fail.  Maybe you attempt to speed up a process only to confuse the situation.  Maybe you step in too soon, when resolution of the issue was just about to happen.  Instead of trying to rescue your family from a situation, observe from a distance.  When the time is right, then step in, but not too soon.

All three of these are examples of patterns that deplete our power and weaken our influence.  Create a powerful moment as a mom and a manager by believing that your family is capable. Equip them to succeed with you and without you.  Grow comfortable in waiting patiently for them to ask for your help.

When a mom breaks the cycle that leads to feeling grumpy and tired- that my friends, is a powerful moment!

Your turn, how do you communicate to your family that you believe they are capable?

The Single Most Important Part of Any Decision

Ever have a big decision to make,

but you felt stuck?

Some have affectionately called it analysis paralysis.  It's when you list out all of the pros and cons, hoping that the next move will become clear, but it doesn’t.  It seems that no matter how much information you gather,  the decision is never gets crystal clear.  In fact, the opposite seems to happen,  the more information you put on the table the harder the decision gets.

So what if you and I are going about this in the wrong way?  Maybe our approach is flawed. Perhaps our process to make a decision is actually keeping us from the very thing we want, a confident decision.  A decision that when you look back, you can say, "You know, everything didn't go as I planned, but I still made the best choice."

So what is the most important part of any decision that we often overlook?  People.

Great decisions are all about one thing, WHO not what.

The single most important factor in any decision you make is to focus on WHO and not WHAT.

The tendency is to focus on what needs to happen, when will it happen, and how will happen.  Your pro/con list is probably filled with an almost 100% focus on what, when, where, and how, but the single key factor is really who!  If you get the who part right, the rest of the issues will fall into place.

Allow me to illustrate how this played out in my family just recently.  We decided to take a family vacation.  Immediately there were all kinds of suggestions on where we should, what we should do, how we should get there.  Drive? Fly? (Uhm- quick answer-NO)  My husband of course wants to know how much is this all going to cost.  You get the idea.

My head began to spin with all of the questions, the details, the possibilities.  Suddenly,  this vacation idea was not so thrilling.  I needed something to clear the indecision fog, because I was stuck.   I shifted my focus from where, what, how, and how much, and instead focused on who.  Almost immediately all of the other questions were answered.  Let me show you a brief glimpse of my process.

Who is going on the trip?

Our trip included 2 sets of grandparents, 2 great-grandparents, my husband and I, and our 7 children ages 15-2.

Who has special needs on the trip? Medical, physical, etc.

Of course the grandparents need to be considered if any of our plans involve lots of walking, hiking, or some other physically demanding activity.  But also my daughters are gluten-free.  We need to be able to accommodate their diet by cooking daily or traveling to cities with plenty of options for them to eat.

Overall "who" considerations:

15 people total including:

4 senior citizens

1  child in diapers

2 children who need steady access to gluten free foods,

Our final decision was to go to the beach. We could get there in about 5 hours.  We rented two condos, right across the street from one another.  The grandparents have ground floor access to their condo, so no stairs to worry about.  We have two kitchens, so less need to eat out, and less concern of wheat allergies.  Those who want adventure can do it, and those who want to just relax- that would be me, can just relax.

Everyone is excited about our plan. I believe it all came together because we focused on people first.  Once the people part was in place, all the other decisions just fit.

I hope that as you make your next decision, whether it's travel or more mundane like what's for dinner,  remember to focus on who first.  Define the key people in your decision.  Who is involved? Who is most affected?  Who is best served?  Start there.  I think you will find that all the other pieces will begin to fall into place from there.

Your turn - What decision do you need to make? 

Will a focus on WHO make a difference?