5 Ways a Website gets People to Enroll in an Online Class

If you want people to enroll in your online class, you need to know the key information they’re looking for.  Here are 5 ways to create a website that enrolls people in your online class.

  1. Keep their attention.  To capture the attention of your potential enrollees, it’s critical to get AND keep their attention.  You want to minimize the links, buttons, and attractive distractions.  This gives them the mind space to focus and concentrate on what you have to say.
  2. Let them know what’s possible.  The content on the site should consistently remind them of what’s possible once they hear what you have to share.  Remember they want to know if this is the real deal.  Can you really help them?  Do you have their best interests at heart or are you just in it to make a quick buck?
  3. Ask them Questions.  Encourage them to imagine the future transformation of themselves.  Ask questions that slow them down and make them think.  Expose the gaps between what they know and what they need to know.  Then lead with your credibility as you explain how you can not only answer those questions, but many others they don’t even know to ask.  Imagine the conversation that is happening in their minds as they’re trying to make a decision on whether to sign up.  What are they struggling with?  What are their doubts or fears in this moment?  As you think of these make a list, then start writing out your web copy to speak directly to what’s on their mind.
  4. Open with their toughest issue.  Whatever is their “biggie”, you know the one that’s top of mind and of greatest concern, start there.  Follow it up with what you have to offer - the results they can expect as well as a brief description of how you plan to help them get those exact results.  Be careful to only address their main 2-3 questions, anything more and you may overwhelm and confuse them.
  5.  Be clear on what to do next.  I can’t stress this enough.  What do they need to do next?  Give clear instructions.  Don’t overcomplicate this process.  Make it simple.  What do you most need them to do?


  • Grab and keep their attention.  Minimize distraction.  Allow them to focus on the decision at hand.
  • Remind them of what’s possible for their lives and how you desire to help them
  • Think through the conversation that’s happening in the minds while they’re trying to make a decision.  Find ways to speak to those concerns.
  • Define the “biggie” and start there.  What’s the big issue on their minds that needs to be addressed?
  • Clearly and simply tell them what to do next.
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